Automation with AI

Automation with AI

Automation with AI To the interview Human Magazin Interview with Philipp Futterknecht Philipp Futterknecht, CEO of H&F Solutions, spoke in an in-depth interview with Human Magazine about the future of automation through Artificial Intelligence (AI). The discussion...
EDI rethought: Intelligent Data Interchange

EDI rethought: Intelligent Data Interchange

EDI rethought: Intelligent Data Interchange DIGITAL WORKPLACE UNTOLD PODCAST WITH PHILIPP FUTTERKNECHT, SABINE KRAUS AND DR. MARTIN BÖHN In the current episode “EDI – Rethought: Intelligent Data Interchange” of the podcast Digital Workplace untold by...
Preserve Values – Drive Innovation

Preserve Values – Drive Innovation

Preserve Values – Drive Innovation Philipp Futterknecht is new CEO of H&F Solutions Preserve Values – Drive Innovation Since the beginning of June, Philipp Futterknecht has been the new CEO of H&F Solutions. This marks the beginning of a new chapter for...
IDI Conference 2023

IDI Conference 2023

IDI Conference 2023 WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF INTELLIGENT DATA INTERCHANGE Der Datenaustausch und die Vernetzung von Unternehmen befinden sich in rasantem Wandel. Um die aktuellen Herausforderungen zu bewältigen, reichen die klassischen EDI Lösungen und Portale nicht...